Diabetes : What Ayurved Speaks ?


On the morning of World Diabetes Day, let’s rethink this major disease. Diabetes should be understood and awareness is needed to protect our future generations as well as present generations from it. 2 years ago WHO has marked World Health Day, 7 April, by calling for action on Diabetes. In spite of conducting many researches on Diabetes, we could not find a crystal clear solution for this major health issue. Therefore it is very much desirable that we should reconstruct our thinking and understanding about this Silent Killer.

Diabetes : Which We know

The word Diabetes is came from the Greek Language. The word literally means ‘go through’ which means a diabetic individual will go more for urination than the others. This condition manifest in the body by two ways and according to that the types of Diabetes are derived – Diabetes Insipidus And Diabetes Mellitus. What are the differences between this two ?  

Diabetes Insipidus is caused by the hypo(less)secretion of ADH (antidiuretic hormone). Due to this hypo secretion the absorption of the water from the urine can’t be manifested and urination increases. Here, some micro nutrients also accompanies urine and make it diluted more than the normal. Mostly, sugar molecules will not come out with the urine.

Diabetes Mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin (Diabetes Mellitus- Type I), or because cells do not respond properly to the insulin that is produced (Diabetes Mellitus- Type II). Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is more common in the world and is known as the Silent Killer. The health sector is more concerned on this type of disease also. (Ref. Wikipedia)

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) : The WHO Criteria For First Time Diagnosis

No. Blood Sugar Diabetic
01. FBS – Fasting Blood Sugar ≥ 125 mg/dl
02. PPBS-Post Parandial Blood Sugar ≥ 200 mg/dl
03. RBS- Random Blood Sugar > 200 mg/dl (With Symptoms)

Here, I want to mention that this criteria must be followed by the doctor at very first time laboratory investigations of an individual who is suspecting as the case of DM. Without this criteria the doctor must not name any person as diabetic. Nowadays, the ignorant and foolish doctors which are financially driven by the pharma industries spreads fear in the mind of the people and mind reflects on the body and make it truly diabetic in spite of being non diabetic. See this article published on October 31, 2017 – (The Iatrogenic Potential of the Physician’s Words). So, Physicians should make people fearless instead of making them worried and the people must be fear proof in spite of worries thrown to them. It is the ultimate aim of सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन: .

 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) : Signs and Symptoms Diabetes2

  • Increased urination. Sometimes diluted urine. Sugar in Urine.
  • Calf Muscle Pain.
  • Increased thirst and appetite. Dryness in mouth.
  • Fatigue (Weakness) and laziness.
  • Loss of Weight.
  • Burning and/or tingling sensations in Soles and Palms.
  • Sweetness in mouth.
  • Itching in private parts.
  • Unhealed wounds.
  • Increased onset of infections.

These all things are known to us by our great modern science. The modern science is going more and more deep into this subject but more satisfactory understanding of this disease is not discovered yet. If the information we got from our modern science is well enough then we must have won this disease but it is not defeated. Therefore we should take a help of our super scientists – our Rishis.

Diabetes : Which We forgot.

With imprisonment of our minds, Britishers are ruling also today on us. They make us forget our true wisdom in many ways. Ayurveda is also forgotten by this way. The Indian People does not know the things which are already there in our ancient wisdom. Anyways, let’s memorize and recollect the information again.

प्रमेह :

Prameha is the disease described in our Ayurveda in which every abnormalities of urine is described. Prameha is consists of two words – Pra and Meha. Here Pra means Prabhuta i.e. increased and Meha means urination. Ayurveda also describe this disease as Prabhuta (Increased) and Avilamutrata (Turbid Urine)- (Ref. Maharshi Sushruta – Sushruta Samhita, Niadaansthaana, Adhyaya 6, Shloka 6) So, Prameha is the large spectrum disease mentioned already by our super scientists which includes any type of urine related deformity. Further Sushruta and other Rishis like Charaka, Vagbhatta  etc. mentioned 20 types of Prameha in their texts. Urinary Conditions other than Diabetes mellitus and Diabetes insipidus are also included in these 20 types.

Let us go ahead with Diabetes Mellitus. Type II DM has given more burden to the society. These clinical conditions are nowadays managed by antihyperglycaemic drugs and insulin therapy by modern medicine. But only to decrease the blood sugar levels is not the solution of this situation because the complications can be shown with the controlled blood sugar also. It shows there is some major mistake in the management done nowadays by modern science. This science updates in every minute and gives various unique information which ultimately indicates our Ancient Wisdom.

त्रिदोष सिद्धान्त :

The Tridosha are the three deviations of the energy within us. They help us to live healthy and happily with their normal energy levels. And they also make us diseased with their abnormal or vitiated energy levels. ( Ref. – Maharshi Vagbhatta – Ashtanga Hridaya, Sutra Sthaan, Adhyaya 1, Shloka 7 ) . This Tridosha theory also apply on condition like Madhumeha . Madhumeha means the taste of the urine is Madhura i.e. Sweet which was examined by ‘ants near the urine’.

Questions Answered :

How can urine be sweet ? The Ayurveda answers – The sweetness of the Urine is because of the Oja (the latent transformation of the Ahararasa i.e. diet juice) coming out with the urine. (Ref. – Mahrshi Charaka – Charaka Samhita – Sutrasthana – Adhyaya 17 – Shloka 80 )

How can Oja accompanies Urine ?  Again Ayurveda answers – It is because of the Prakopa (Excessiveness) of the Vata type energy deviation. The Vata mixes Oja with urine. (Ref. – Mahrshi Charaka – Charaka Samhita – Sutrasthana – Adhyaya 17 – Shloka 80 )

How can Vata type of energy deviation goes in excess condition ? Ayurveda answers again – It is because of the Avarana  (Covering – Hurdling) of Vata type of Energy or by the excessive decrease in Dhaatu ( Firm Stage of the body on which everything of body lie). (Ref.- Mahrshi Charaka – Charaka Samhita – Chikitsasthana – Adhyaya 28 – Shloka 58 ) .

This clinical conditions of Diabetes Mellitus are covered under two types i.e.  Avaranjanya Madhumeha (Type II DM) and Dhatukshayajanya Madhumeha (Type I DM).

Avaranajanya Madhumeha : Type II DM

Our Ayurveda is the complete life science rather than the medical science. Our Rishis were having the ultimate wisdom of  helping to remain everyone healthy and happy as well as to free the people from the disease. This is the ultimate aim of Ayurveda. The primary aim is to help in being healthy rather than to make disease free which is the secondary one. (Ref. – Maharshi Charaka – Charaka Samhita – Sutrasthana – Adhyaya 30 – Shloka 26 ) .

To fulfill the primary aim, our Rishis described the causative factors first so that everyone can prevent it in their lifestyle and diet. Secondary they described the medicinal management if there are diseased people. Prevention is always better than cure.

Preventive Management from Ayurveda :

1. Regular Exercise and Walking with empty stomach.

2. Use of Yava in the regular diet.

3. Take timely meals when you feel hungry. Try to take only two time meals. If hunger is there, go for very light diet one time extra.

4. Don’t take water and any other food item from refrigerator.

5. Avoid taking excess of water without thirst.

6. Avoid taking heavy food items like buffalo milk(which contains more fat) & their derivatives, heavy pulses, heavy vegetables, heavy fruits, heavy grains, heavy non-veg food etc.

7. Avoid taking fast foods, bakery items, pickles and fermented items.


I also want healthy society of the world. Let us pledge together for protecting our health. Let us be healthy and happy. If there are diabetic people, Ayurveda and Ayurveda people like me are around you. Demand Ayurveda from them.

Need your comments and subscriptions.

Thank You.


   Vaidya Parth Morzariya.

Aatman Ayurved Hospital,



Swine Flu : Don’t Be Afraid of Me

     Friends, How are you all ? I wish that you all are healthy and happy. I am posting this article little late due to unavoidable reasons. I hope that you all can easily remember your body conditions of last 3 to 4 months well. Because in this article you will have to keep your being in your mind with every sentence. This virtue is called “ समीक्ष्यकारी ” (Sameekshyakari) mentioned as a property of the healthy person by Maharishi Charak. So, I am very sorry for making you exercised in this writings. You will understand my matter easily by following concept.

TRIDOSHA CONCEPT: त्रिदोष सिद्धान्त

     Tridoshas or 3 humours are the 3 basic biological elements which constitutes the structural & functional units of all the living cells, tissues, organs & the body as a whole. Tridoshas are the specific combinations of 5 basic elements known as earth, water, fire, air and space.पञ्चमहाभूतानि- पृथ्वी, अग्नि, जल, वायु, आकाश

Dosh-दोष Major element in the structure Major Function in the Body
Vata-वात वायु Ignition
Pitta-पित्त अग्नि Transformation

(Digestion, Metabolism)

Kapha-कफ पृथ्वी, जल Creation of Mass,

Connection between Mass


     Swine flu was the major talkative issue before the summer started in India. Actually media has over highlighted this infectious disease very much. So, people were in a great fear everywhere in India. Here are some facts regarding Swine Flu.

  1. SEASONAL FACTOR : Starting of the SPRINGS – The Vasantha Ritu – वसन्त ऋतु

     The Kapha gets accumulated due to heavy diet in the seasons before the springs. It gets liquefied during the springs as the body is exposed to the increased heat of the sun. This liquefaction is helpful to maintain the health as it brings out the accumulated Kapha.

     Accumulated or channelized Kapha molecules liquefy and run to bigger channels and tissues in the body. It covers digestive & metabolic fire and thus power of digestion & metabolism is decreased at multiple levels. So that we are prone to have the symptoms like sneezing, coughing, headache, heaviness after meal, decrease in appetite etc. This symptoms are almost similar to common flu. But it is not the SWINE FLU at all.


     If the infection ( H1N1 Virus- Subtype of Influenza A Virus ) occurs, it’s not always necessary to have its manifestations. Because a powerful immunity always wins in the war against the viruses. A famous microbiologist named Louis Pasteur said on his deathbed that,“ Soil ( Body ) is everything, Microbes are nothing. ” If our body or immunity is good enough to maintain the health, no any infection can even touch our healthy status to manifest the disease.

     If the infection wins over our immunity, still there is no need to have fear in the mind. Due to the infection the symptoms will be start appearing. The clinical features of Swine Flu are as follows:

1. Fever              2. Dry cough         3. Running nose      4. Sore throat   5. Chills                     6. Fatigue           7. Headache         8. Muscle pain         9. Joint Pain

     Such manifestations are not prone to be fatal until it involves systemic failure in the body. And such systemic failure ( mainly respiratory failure )  or multiple systemic failure is less possible. Because our immunity is always working towards the infections and maintain the healthy status.

     If the clinical features do not respond the primary management given below for more than 48 hours, it may lead to challenging condition. Then only the treatment must be shifted to critical care. At this point also fear is useless because we have marvellous treatments.




     Because the virus can’t exist after the summer starts due to extreme heat and there is almost zero possibility to have the infection.


     For Ayurvedic management mentioned above you can take the help of Vaidya or ayurvedic practitioner at your place.

     Don’t go for self-medication because you can’t select the specific drug according to the severity or nature of the manifestation in your body.


     Dr. B. M. Hegde is a world known cardiologist and has awarded Padmabhushan by Indian Government. He is MD, FRCP(Lond.), FRCP(Edin.), FRCP(Glas.), FRCP(Dub.), FACC(U.S.A.), FAMS. Please watch this video by going to the link below for knowing better about the Swine Flu.


So, I wish to the eternity that you have happy moments without fear from now. I will meet you soon.

Yours…. Parth Morzariya. 


आयुर्वेदो अमृतानाम्

    Ayurved is the best ‘AMRUT’ among all the amruts. Now what you mean by the word AMRUT. Simply we can say that the energy or the matter which can help us to give long and happy life.

     So, in Charak Samhita (classical ayurved text book) the great physician Maharshi Atrey says that Ayurved is the best Amrut for the people. But….How can it be possible ? Let see….


     Actually the word आयुर्वेद is made from 2 different words….                                                                                आयुर्वेद = आयुः+ वेद                                                                                                                              1. आयुः = Life        2. वेद = Science or Knowledge                                                                                                         So, आयुर्वेद = The science of life.

     I would say Ayurved is the science which gives the true direction to our life and thus it is the complete system of medicine for us.

     आयुर्वेद has 2 aims for the society :                                                                                                                  1. Protect the health of the people – स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्यरक्षणम्                                                          2. Make the people free from diseases – आतुरस्य विकारप्रशमनम्

      By such noble aims Ayurved is the complete system of medicine in the world. Because it not only cures the patients but also gives protection to the people from disease and maintains their health. And being healthy only we can achieve our goals of our life. These are 4 as per Hinduism : 1. Dharma 2. Artha 3.Kama 4.Moksha


      In spite of existing long back before the emerging all other therapies Ayurved is more scientific and more complete system of medicine in the world.

    We need to understand that Ayurveda is an ancient heritage. It is a treasure to be valued and acknowledged so as to provide the humanity with a life full of health , vigor and vitality.We must have faith in the lessons which Ayurved teaches us.

     We will continue sharing more helpful knowledge for the society. Have happy moments to all of you .

     Continue Following me on AatmanAyurved.

     Yours……Parth Morzariya.